Git Commands
- Learn about Git Commands
Linux Commands
- Learn about linux commands and what they do
What is GPG/PGP and how do I use it?
- Helps you understand about GPG
How to compile the C program
- Learn about how to compile C program
Linux File System and Directory Structure
- Know more about the linux file system and directory
How to Use SCP
- Learn about how to use SCP to securely transfer files
Big and Little Endian Byte Order
- Understand more about the big and little endian byte order
How Virtual Memory Works
- Learn about what virtual memory is, what computer uses it for, and how to configure it
Partition Allocation Methods in Memory Management
- Learn about partition allocation
Docusaurus documentation
- Know more about docusaurus
Dynamic Memory Allocation in C
- Know more about dynamic memory allocation in C using malloc() and some other else
Introduction of Process Synchronization
- Dig deeper into the synchronization process of the operating system
What is Deadlock in Operating System (OS)?
- Learn about Deadlock in Operating System
What Is Linux LFS
- Know more about Linux LFS
Kernotex Youtube Channel
- A YouTube channel to help you with Linux